Auto starting and bypassing your lead form

When sending your Scorecard to a current user or a group of users with known details like name and email address, you can bypass your Scorecards lead form and take users straight to the questions by using a special URL and pre-populating this data using query parameters. This feature is also useful if you'd prefer to collect lead form data on your own none ScoreApp landing page.

What are query parameters?

Query parameters are key-value pairs appended to a URL after a question mark (?) and are used to send additional information to the server. They are often used to pre-fill form fields or filter content based on user preferences. In this case, we will use query parameters to pre-populate the lead form with the user's name and email address.

Pre-populating data and auto starting

If for example your quiz url is you could pre-populate the name and email address and then automatically go directly to your questions by using the 'start' route and appending query parameters to your URL as follows :

A user passed to this special start URL will see a short loading message and then be redirected to the questions. They will then appear as a lead in your ScoreApp dashboard as if they had filled in the lead form within ScoreApp.

Finding the key for your custom fields

The above example shows how to populate the three default fields all Scorecards are setup with however if you have any additional custom fields you will need to ensure that a key has been setup for them.

To do this head over to the lead form settings in the dashboard:

Then select the edit icon for the field:

In the popup that appears click on me 'more settings' and you can check to see if the key for the field has been set, if it's empty then you can enter 'phone' or something similar as the key. The key name doesn't need to match the field label in case you have a number of fields with similar names. For example if you have fields labelled Home Phone Number and Mobile Phone Number the key names could be 'home_phone' and 'mobile_phone'.

An example URL including the 'phone' field in the example above will look like this:

Or perhaps you want to include a field with the key 'country'

You can also use query parameters independently if you only have one piece of information, like just the name or email address. For example:

To pre-populate only the first name: 

To pre-populate only the email address:

You must pass all the data required by your lead form. If the data you pass in the URL params does not validate against the requirements of the lead form as if filled in normally, the user receive an error message and will not be passed to the questions

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