Embed your Scorecard on your own website

Scorecards can be embedded in any webpage where you either have access to editing the html or the platform you are using such as WordPress or a similar content management system allows you to copy and paste snippets of code .

There are 4 ways to embed you're scorecard:

  1. Full Page - Embed your Scorecard full screen over the top of your web page.
  2. Inline - Embed your Scorecard within the content of an existing web page.
  3. Pop Up - Add a button to your web page that opens your Scorecard in a pop-up window.
  4. Chat Style - Embed your Scorecard in a chat-style window.

Setting Up Embedded Scorecard Appearance

The embed options can be found in your dashboard on the left side navigation under the 'Share' option

After choosing one of the embed options, customise how your embedded scorecard appears on your web page using the ‘Embed Style’ options.

On this page you will see a preview of how your selected embed option will appear on your webpage, this is especially useful if you are using the Pop up or Chat Style options as there are a number of options to configure the popup size and button appearance which are not part of your landing page design.

Starting Screen Override

The embedded scorecard will initially show your default landing page. However, you can override this by using the ‘Starting Screen’ dropdown if you have multiple landing pages and wish to display a different one.

Hide Header and Footer Option

In certain cases, you may want to utilize the 'Hide Header and Footer' option. This is useful when embedding the scorecard into a web page that already features headers and footers with your logo and navigation. Simply enable this option to seamlessly integrate the Scorecard into your existing design.

Get your embed code

Once you've selected your embed type and configured the various options click on the 'Get the code' button and copy the code from the popup that appears. This code can then be copied in to the webpage that you would like to display your scorecard on.

If you encounter any issues or have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. Happy embedding!

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