Draft mode and going live

When you first create a Scorecard using the ScoreApp platform, your Scorecard will be in 'Draft mode'

This mode allows you to work on your Scorecard without it being publicly available. It will only be accessible by logged in users who have the relevant permissions on your account.

When you visit the Scorecard everything will work exactly the same as when live except you will see an orange draft mode banner across the top

One key feature of draft mode is that landing page visits, test leads, and any other related analytics information will be siloed to draft mode and essentially reset when you publish your Scorecard meaning that you can launch your Scorecard with a clean set of analytics on your dashboard.

Going live

Congratulations on getting your Scorecard ready to go live!

When you're ready, it's as simple as clicking on the Publish button from the home page, or by clicking on the draft mode pill in the header of the dashboard.

After you click publish on the next modal window your Scorecard will be live, meaning the URL can be shared and will be publicly available.

Please note once your Scorecard is live, any landing page visits and leads data will register within the analytics system of the platform and cannot be erased.

Switching back to draft mode

If for any reason you'd like to switch a Scorecard back to draft mode this is easily done by going to Build > Settings > General and switching the draft mode toggle.

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