Notification Settings
Within your Notification Settings you can select what, when and how you or a member of your team are notified about new leads.
To edit your Notification settings you must first log-in to the back office;
- Select your Scorecard
- Click on the ‘Score Builder’ (Pencil & ruler icon)
- Select ‘settings’
- Select ‘Notifications’
Under ‘Notification’ setting you can edit the following;
Send Notifications - Choose if you would like an email notification when you receive new leads
Recipients - Add a comma separated list of emails who should receive these notifications
Content - Customise the notification email when you receive a new lead
Add your personal subject line for when you receive a new lead. As default you have first name, last name and the scorecard or your lead.
You can further customise the Email content but as standard you have Name, email and status.