Adding a Custom Domain

Linking Your Scorecard to a Custom Domain

Not only can you access your scorecard through, but we also offer the flexibility for you to showcase it on a custom domain like or a dedicated subdomain such as

Note: This feature is exclusive to Advanced, Pro, and Business Accounts.

The process of adding a CNAME and A record will vary depending on where you've registered your domain. This is considered to be a more advanced setup process so if you're not confident in how to action these steps please consult with your IT department or web developer to guide you through this. Incorrect settings can potentially have undesirable effects on your domain affecting your main website or email sending and receiving. Proceed at your own risk if you aren't confident with making these changes on your domain.

Choose Your Desired Domain or Subdomain:

If you don't already have a domain registered you can begin the process by registering one with a domain registrar such as GoDaddy. Once you've decided on your domain and have registered it you can move on to the setup steps outlined below

Setup steps overview:

  1. Add the domain to your ScoreApp account
  2. Update domain DNS settings:
  1. Verify your domain
  2. Enable domain on your Scorecard

Step 1 - Add the domain to your scorecard account

The first step in the setup process is to add your Custom Domain to your ScoreApp account, start by logging into the ScoreApp dashboard. In the below screenshot is an example where a subdomain has been setup for, if you had setup a CNAME for then the value under host name would appear as 'www'.

  1. Click on the account icon in the top right of the navigation
  2. Select ‘Domains’ from the drop down menu

  1. Under 'Custom Domain' select 'Add Domain'
  2. Insert the custom domain link 
  3. Select ‘Connect Domain

  1. After clicking 'Connect Domain' a popup will appear to show you the value to use when updating your domains DNS settings.

Make a note of these settings or keep this tab open in your browser to refer back to when updating your domains DNS settings.

Step 2 - Updating your domain DNS settings

This step is divided in to two sections, you can either setup a subdomain on an existing domain or setup a dedicated domain for your scorecard

Update DNS settings to add a subdomain for an existing website

The following outline uses GoDaddy as an example to setup a subdomain on an existing domain that is already pointing at your main website:

  1. Log in to Your Domain Registrar Account
  2. Navigate to the domain management or DNS settings section. Click on on the option to edit the DNS settings, this might be labeled as "Manage Domains," "DNS Management," or something similar.

  1. Look for an option that allows you to add a new DNS record. It could be named "Add Record," "Add," or something equivalent.
  2. In the process of adding a new record, select "CNAME" from the list of available record types. This is the type of record that aliases one domain to another.
  3. Enter the CNAME Record Details:
    • Provide the following information (these are the settings that were shown in the pop when you added your domain in the ScoreApp Dashboard):
      • Name/Host/Alias: This is the subdomain or alias you want to set up (e.g., www or scorecard). In this example we are setting up a subdomain so that your scorecard will be accessed at
      • Points to/Value/Destination: This is the domain or hostname to which the CNAME record will point. For ScoreApp it's
  4. Your CNAME record should look like the screenshot below

  1. After entering the CNAME details, find a button or option labeled "Save," "Add Record," or something similar. Click on it to save your changes.
  2. If you're only adding a subdomain you can skip the next step and go to verifying your domain

Update DNS settings on a dedicated domain for your scorecard

If you would like to setup a dedicated domain such as to point at your domain the process is very similar to setting up a subdomain. The following outlines uses GoDaddy

  1. Log in to Your Domain Registrar Account
  2. Navigate to the domain management or DNS settings section. This might be labeled as "Manage Domains," "DNS Management," or something similar.

  1. Identify the domain for which you want to add a CNAME or A record to. Click on the domain name to access its settings.
  2. Look for an option that allows you to add a new DNS record. It could be named "Add Record," "Add," or something equivalent.
  3. In most cases your registrar will have setup some records to park the domain until you start using it, in the below screenshot A and CNAME records have already been created so you can edit these existing records. If there are no records already setup then you can go ahead and create new ones.
  4. Enter the CNAME Record Details:
    • Provide the following information (these are the settings that were shown in the pop when you added your domain in the ScoreApp Dashboard):
      • Name/Host/Alias: This is the subdomain or alias you want to set up, in this example we are setting up a subdomain so that your scorecard will be accessed at
      • Points to/Value/Destination: This is the domain or hostname to which the CNAME record will point. For ScoreApp it's
  5. The A record is setup so that if a visitor to your scorecard does not type in www in their address bar at the beginning e.g. they will still be forwarded to the scorecard. The A record should point at our servers IPV4 address which is
  6. Once both records have been added or edited they should look like the screenshot below
  7. Save your settings.

Step 3 - Verify your domain

Once you have completed the steps above and have the CNAME record setup and your domain added to your scorecard you will need to verify the domain

  1. Click on 'More Info' next to the domain you've added
  2. Click on 'Verify'

In the below example a subdomain has been setup for, if you had setup a CNAME for then the value under host name would appear as 'www'.

If everything has been setup correctly a green tick will be displayed after you click verify.

Verification issues

Should there be a problem you will be given an error message explaining why the verification wasn't successful and can make changes accordingly. In some cases it can take a short period of time for DNS changes to propagate so you may need to try verification again after an hour or so, in some cases changes can take up to 48 hours.

If you're think all of your settings are correct and aren't sure how to resolve an error please let us know and we can help.

Step 4 - Enable the custom domain on your scorecard

Once everything has been configured both in your ScoreApp account and your DNS settings you can move on to enabling the domain on your scorecard.

  1. Select your Scorecard
  2. Click on the Scorecard Builder (Pencil & ruler icon)
  3. Click on ‘Settings

  1. Under 'Scorecard URL' toggle the 'Custom Domain Enabled' button to the right (on)
  2. Press ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page

You're custom domain is now pointed to your scorecard! 🎉

A note on DNS Propagation

  1. In most cases the changes you make to your DNS settings will happen very quickly however please be aware that DNS changes may take some time to propagate across the internet. This process could range from a few hours to up to 48 hours.
  2. If you encounter any issues or if the changes don't take effect, double-check the entered details and consult the support resources provided by your domain registrar. You can also reach out to us for support.

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