PDF Reports Overview

PDF Reports are documents that are automatically generated for each participant once they have completed their Scorecard. 

The information in the PDF Report provides further analyses of the scores and offers valuable insights and areas for improvement.

> For Pro Users only

ScoreApp Pro users leverage this technology to add greater value to their network and to showcase their expertise and services.  

Step 1: Creating a new Report

To start creating your PDF results report, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the scorecard builder icon

  1. Choose "PDF reports" from the options presented and click on the blue 'Create PDF report' button, and choose either 'Start without a template' or choose from one of the 3 prebuilt templates.

Step 2: Structuring Your Report

Once the report template has been selected you can starting adding pages:

  1. Access the "Add a page" option.

  1. Create a sequence comprising a front cover, introduction page, overall score page, category summary page, individual category pages, calls to action and an outro.

Step 3: Page Management

Manage the pages by:

  1. Dragging and dropping to rearrange page order using the six dots that appear when hovering over the page name.
  2. Use the eye icon to hide or selectively display pages for specific audiences.

Step 4: Designing and Formatting

Design and format your report:

  1. Start with the default settings, adjusting parameters like header, footer, logo, fonts, colours, and page style.

  2. Override these settings for individual pages, allowing customisation.

Step 5: Dynamic Content for Scores

For score pages, enable dynamic content to customise information based on the score tier:

  1. Toggle on the "Enable dynamic content" option.
  2. Tailor content for your score tiers.

Step 6: Adding Individual Category Pages

Drill Down into Categories:

    • If you are using categories and want to drill down into each category, add pages from the individual category options.
    • You may have multiple pages per category. Select the category from the list option and add new pages for each category, choosing the next category in the list.
    • Apply the same dynamic approach as above to your category summary pages if required.

Step 7: Finalizing and Distribution

  1. Once the report is complete, publish it and set it as the default.

  1. So that users can access their report you can add a button to the outgoing email that is sent when they complete the scorecard. To do this go to settings, result email, and adding the report button to the email body using the merge tag drop down.
  2. Select the PDF report button under links, save the changes

Please note: If you are creating a highest or lowest scoring category assessment, you can add the highest/lowest page options.

Select the logic you wish to be applied within the formatting options:

Within the page list to the left, you will see all the outcomes listed and you can click to format each outcome. The respondent taking your assessment will only see the outcome they scored the lowest/highest against.

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