Adding Questions & Categories

Adding a question to your scorecard.

  1. Log-in to your account and click on the Scorecard Builder (Pen and Ruler icon)
  2. Click the Questions tab. 
  3. Click Add question

Question Types

ScoreApp offers lots of different questions types that makes it easy for you to deliver the right question to your audience. Once you have selected 'Add Question' you will be presented with a list of question types to select from


Typically you would use this to allow your audience to respond to a question with a Yes/No response, in some cases a 'maybe' option may be applicable. To enable this click on 'Show maybe answer'.

Multiple Choice Buttons / Checkboxes /Radio Buttons

This question type allows you to tailor very specific responses to a question, you can set this question to either allow one response or multiple selections by setting the question settings toggle to 'Allow multi-select'.

Sliding Scale / Linear Scale

This question type allows your audience to provide a numerical response to a question by adjusting the slider or selecting the radio button with the desired value. This value can be from 0 to any number above.

Open Text

This question type allows your audience to provide their own response to an open question, If you'd like to limit the characters in this response to keep answers short you can specify the number of characters in the question settings, if you'd like to allow for more text you can also increase the size of the input field to 'multi-line'.

Write your questions

Once you have chosen your question type you can then start writing your question and answers

Tip - try to keep it short and concise so it's easy to understand and holds the attention of each participant.  

Assign a category to questions

You can choose to group your questions into categories (subjects/areas) that will provide an individual score for that category as well as their overall final score on the results page. 

This is beneficial to identify specific areas of strength and greatest areas for improvement so you can be more targeted with your feedback and call to action. 

When creating your question you can leave the question uncategorised or you can assign that question to a category using the drop down box. 


This is where you assign points/value to each answer that contributes towards the final score. 

Next step is assigning a point value to the answers available for each questions. Each answer will have a score attached to it that goes towards the final score on the results page. 

You have complete control with the level of importance of each question and how you would like to score each answer by distributing points. You also have the discretion to take points away making sure that their final score is as accurate as possible.  

Adding Instructions to questions

Instructions can be added by clicking the gear icon 'More Setting'. This can be useful if you need to provide some guidance on how best to answer a question.

Once you have finished click save and repeat the above steps to add more questions. 

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