Setting Up Custom Conversion Events in GA4 for your Scorecard


In this support article, we'll show you how to set up custom conversion events in Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for your ScoreApp Scorecard, based on specific URL page loads. By tracking user interactions with your quiz, you can better understand how your audience is engaging with your content and make data-driven improvements.

For example, we'll set up custom conversion events for when users start the quiz (by visiting the /questions URL) and when they finish the quiz (by visiting the /results/* URL). Let's dive in!

Before you get started, make sure you have GA4 properly installed on your Scorecard either directly or via Google Tag Manager (GTM). If you've not done this, follow this guide first.

If you're using Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager you may want to follow the guide "using GTM with custom events and the data layer" instead.

Start by accessing your GA4 property settings

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  2. From the main dashboard, click on "Admin" in the bottom left corner.
  3. In the "Property" column, ensure the GA4 property associated with your Scorecard is selected.

To Set Up a Custom Event for Starting the Quiz

  1. In the "Property" column, click on "Events."
  2. Click Create event.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Under Custom event name, enter a name (40 characters or less). For this example, quiz_started .
  5. In Matching conditions, under Value, enter the exact name of the existing event. For this example, page_view .
  6. Click Add condition.
  7. Under Parameter, select page_location from the drop-down.
  8. Under Operator, choose "contains (ignore case)".
  9. Under Value, enter the name of the page. For this example, /questions .
  10. Click Create.

The new event will appear in the Custom events table, but it won't appear in the Existing events table in Admin > Events until Analytics processes the event.

Next... Mark the new event as a conversion

  1. In Google Analytics, go to Admin > Conversions on the left.
  2. Click New conversion event.
  3. Enter the name of the new event. For this example, quiz_started
  4. Click Save.

To Set Up a Custom Event for Finishing the Quiz

  1. Repeat steps above except set the page_location to /results

For more information on setting up custom conversions in GA4 please see Googles documentation here

Monitor Your Custom Conversion Events

  1. Perform some test completions on your Scorecard, or wait for real completions.
  2. Then in your GA4 property, navigate to the "Reports" section.
  3. Click on "Engagement" in the left sidebar.
  4. Scroll down to the "Events" section, where you'll see your newly created custom conversion events ("quiz_started" and "quiz_finished"). There can be a delay for results to show here. For more instantaneous results, see the Real Time view in GA.

Now you can analyze how users are engaging with your Scorecard and make informed decisions to optimize your content.

Cross domain tracking

To note, if you are driving traffic to a domain that is different from the Scorecard domain. For example if you have created a landing page on your own website, and that landing page links to your Scorecard which is on a * domain or any other custom domain it's likely you will want to configure cross domain tracking so that GA4 is able to maintain tracking the user as they pass from one domain to another. See

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